Farm Consulting
Meet Smith Farm Supply's Agronomy Specialist, Mike Satcher!
I am new to Smith Farm Supply but not new to Agriculture sales and consulting. I grew up on a family farm in South Carolina. I graduated from Berry College, served as a county agent for over 5 years and have been in Ag Sales and Consulting for over 24 years.
I am excited about working with Smith Farm Supply and assisting existing and new customers with their ag needs. My goal is to work with producers by customizing individualized plans to obtain optimal quality and yield production. As your sales representative, I will consult with our customers on crop production, range and pasture management and specialty crops. In addition, this will include developing management plans to maximize return on your investments, troubleshoot problems, weed, disease and insect identification and control, nutrient management and
selecting the right inputs for the desired results.
I am committed to provide our Ag customers with great customer service. I look forward to
working with you.